About Carell

When and how it all began…

The inception of Carell stemmed from a simple need: to accurately track tasks, assign accountability, and capture visual evidence. Recognising the absence of a user-friendly solution for busy production staff, tradesmen, business owners, and administrators, we embarked on a transformative journey.

Carell was born as a collaborative platform for manufacturers, builders and contractors, revolutionising live activity tracking from factory production to construction sites.
Our vision was to embrace real-time, future-forward digitisation, liberating us from cumbersome spreadsheets, locked files, and complex sharing systems. Time constraints and limited expertise became non-issues.

Accessible to all, Carell empowers mobile field usage and desktop convenience, intuitively designed for production teams and construction staff.

In an era of rapid technological advancements, standing still equates to moving backward in the face of fierce competition. We seized the opportunity to innovate and lead the charge in an industry known for its sluggish pace.

Our goal is to provide a digital solution that offers accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and quality tools for the future of manufacturing, construction and installation.

With Carell, we now possess crucial data to expedite projects, enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and minimise paperwork, ultimately enabling the manufacturing and construction of superior, faster, and higher-quality items and projects.

So confident in its potential, we believe Carell is a game-changer.
It empowers us to focus on manufacturing and installtion in real-time, collaborating with others and predicting future milestones.

A construction site is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving.
With Carell, a comprehensive tool exists to navigate the intricacies of production, shipping, delivery, and installation workflows, catering to the requirements of any manufacturing or construction project.