Facade manufacturing and Installation.
Preparing for a digital future.

Traceability, Accountability & Transparency

Carell is proven, is tradesman friendly, and provides your business with the information you need across all of your manufacturing and projects at the same time.

How can Carell help my Facade company become more efficient, more profitable and provide transparency across our business?

Real-Time Monitoring:
Digital facade tracking provides Facade companies with real-time monitoring of their manufacturing, shipping, and installation processes. By implementing tracking systems at each stage, the company can gather data and gain insights into the progress and status of each project.

Improved Efficiency:
With digital facade tracking, your business can identify bottlenecks, delays, or issues in the manufacturing, shipping, or installation processes. By having this information readily available, you can take immediate action to resolve any problems, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced project timelines.

Quality Control:
Digital tracking allows the facade company to maintain a high level of quality control throughout the entire process. By closely monitoring each step, they can ensure that the facades being manufactured, shipped, and installed meet the required specifications and standards. Any deviations or defects can be detected early on, enabling timely corrections or replacements.
QR code labeling and scanning, digital cloud storage of important documentation will remain with the item for its entire lifecycle and provide your clients with the information they need at all time.

Accountability and Transparency:
Digital facade tracking promotes accountability and transparency within the company and with clients. By having a comprehensive record of each project's progress, the company can provide accurate updates to clients, addressing any concerns they may have. Additionally, it allows for easy identification of responsible parties in case of any issues or disputes.
Generate automated ITP (Inspection Test Plan) reports, and provide accompanying documentation for any progress claims or invoicing.

Data-Driven Decision Making:
By collecting data throughout the manufacturing, shipping, and installation processes, the facade company can analyze trends, patterns, and performance metrics. This data-driven approach enables them to make informed decisions, optimize their operations, identify areas for improvement, and implement best practices for future projects.

Overall, implementing digital facade tracking across manufacturing, shipping, and installation processes empowers the company with real-time monitoring, improved efficiency, quality control, accountability, transparency, and data-driven decision making. These benefits contribute to better project outcomes, enhanced client satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the facade industry.

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